'… 'Stimulus' rather than 'subsidies', that's our message to government. Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, Master Builders has been advocating to keep construction open for business and for stimulus...
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Master… Response to PM’s National Press Club Address The Prime Minister’s speech to signpost the Government’s approach to building economic recovery was encouraging on many fronts. “The Prime Minister’s recognition that...
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Fast-… On 28 April 2020, the NSW Government announced the first 24 projects to undergo a fast-tracked assessment process as part of the NSW Government’s new Planning System Acceleration Program. A...
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Impact of… Master Builders Australia has had the opportunity to participate in an Asia-Pacific Dialogue tonight with like-minded building and construction peak bodies representing the industry in the major Asian Region economies...
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COVID-19… Demand is leading to fake respiratory protective equipment entering the Australian market.
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Australia… “Builders and tradies remain open for business and are complying with the social distancing and hygiene rules, in line with the latest advice from government,” Denita Wawn, CEO of Master...
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… Construction sites can now operate on weekends and public holidays under new rules introduced today by the NSW Government to support the industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. Planning and Public...
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… Key points: As a NSW based builder, you can still enter Queensland to work; But you need to apply for an entry pass The QLD Government has implemented restricted entry...
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… The Prime Minister in his statement updating the community on Coronavirus measures explicitly stated that construction sites are an essential service and will remain open. In reference to non-essential gatherings...
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Managing… icare workers compensation update: We understand the impact that COVID-19 is having on NSW businesses and we’re here to support you. First and foremost, we encourage our customers experiencing financial...
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