RAB act… This is a big week for the NSW construction industry. The Residential Apartment Buildings (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Act 2020 (RAB Act) comes into effect from today (1 September 2020)...
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Taxable… Businesses that pay contractors for certain services may need to lodge a Taxable payments annual report (TPAR) with the ATO by 28 August 2020. Under the Taxable payments reporting system...
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Crackdown… Building and construction sites in Newcastle can expect an unannounced visit from SafeWork NSW inspectors this week as the workplace safety regulator undertakes high-visibility safety checks across the region. Minister...
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Changes… The NSW State government will temporarily cut stamp duty on new homes under $800,000 for first home buyers in a bid to boost construction and create jobs amid the COVID-19...
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Temporary… Key points: Only require nine CPD points this year (instead of 12) This is a temporary arrangement Builders and Swimming Pool Builders who renew their licence between the 1st May...
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NSW-… Key points: As a worker in the building and construction industry, you are deemed to be performing a critical service; Therefore you are eligible to apply for a permit to...
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SAFEWORK… Construction sites across north-western Sydney can expect a visit from SafeWork Inspectors this week who will be targeting unsafe working systems across all building trades. A building company has been...
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Design… Since 2003, Master Builders have consistently advocated the importance of sharing the statutory liability related to building projects with all professionals in the building chain. Until now this liability has...
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New… The NSW Building Commissioner will now have boosted powers to stop defective buildings being sold to consumers, thanks to the passing of the Residential Apartment Buildings Bill 2020 in NSW...
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Campaign… Developments of all sizes will be monitored by councils
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