Nathan… Following on from his victory at the awards last year, Nathan has maintained his momentum and has matured into a fine young tradesman. Nathan has been recognised by TAFE for...
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HBS Group… HBS Group was engaged by the City of Sydney Council to meticulously restore the fountain monument to its original state. The complex structure required intensive surveying followed by ID markings...
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… This J.N.C upgrade project celebrates the adaptive reuse & redevelopment of the 1888 heritage derelict building into a revitalised community centre in the heart of Woolloomooloo. The intricate architectural &interior...
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Arenco… Museum station major upgrade was part of the State Governments transport access programme. Arenco designed & constructed a complex project that achieved its statutory brief, preserved a significant heritage precinct...
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Elo Silo… Built at Church Point, this spectacular design blends a cantilevered front edge off-form concrete construction with a 45-degree wet edge, beveled edge detail and integrated concrete cantilevered entry platform. Congratulations...
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Wright… The small backyard presented access challenges during construction. In addition, the client wanted to be able to view the pool glass window directly from his front door. Incorporating a glass...
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