Jarvis… A winner in this price range as the builder has presented a contemporary house renovation that was complicated and intricate, all with thoughtful, detailing.What was successful was the spiral exterior...
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Maincorp… This building is an industry example of a small site that achieved a big outcome. It has set a new quality standard, with a mixed use of materials, concrete, polished...
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A.I.M.… The builder’s work was extensive. It involved car stackers, cantilever slabs to protect tree roots, detailed structural steel work, and joinery. At every stage we found builder's contribution to detailing...
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Sammut… Hidden away from the street this building, had to contend with as steep site and an existing structure. The builder was specific with detailing and consistently presented this with every...
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Pimas… A big budget but with a big result. This old grand house had a complete overhaul. Whilst the works were modern they blended in with the era of the original...
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Attic… Within a strata roof void that would otherwise be wasted space the builder had to work within, the pitch of the roof. He had to comply to client’s expectations with...
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Linden… Although judged as an attic the conversion felt expansive and the work was structurally competent. The marble bathrooms concealed extraction fans through the marble was unusual. Also matching veneered staircase...
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Wortmann… This project was one of our regional winners. Originally built in Albury in 1860, it has had many lives including residences, offices and restaurants. It has now been transformed back...
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