SX… This development consists of 8 high quality apartments on Sydney Harbour. Each unit has a different layout and used the same fine finishes and details to complement a most impressive...
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Agia… An excellent job with bespoke finishes throughout. This was a fixed price that was completed in 12 weeks. Great use of tradesman throughout. The paint finishes were faultless. Congratulations.
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Scott… The builder’s work was equivalent with that of larger projects and the builder achieved quality and overcame the project logistics. The builder produced a good quality and functional extension for...
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O'… The owner has decorated the second storey addition beautifully, with good workmanship, quality time expediency and merging of construction.
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StepUP… Cathedral roofs, raked TG ceilings, use of engineered timbers, and good use of space was all very professional in this project. More importantly the works and attention to detail was...
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Burdett… Truly impressive for the money spent. Turned wood work, curved roofing, curved ceilings, use of stainless steel, and use of glass, quality timber work and all blending in with the...
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Shehadie… The builder turned a pre-existing weatherboard cottage into a quality home that felt as if it were built, from scratch!Typical old cottage issues were overcome with concealed structural ply bracing...
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Mardini… The builder was successful in dealing with site restrictions and structural steel logistics. He achieved detailed work with sharp clean , edges. Meticulous attention to detail in all aspects.
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Grange… The builder has used traditional materials such as copper sandstone and steel. A good portion of the original building remained .However the judges were hard-pressed to see the fuse point...
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