Elo Silo… A difficult sloping site, however, the builder was able to deliver a fine example of engineering and building design with a difference. The home is built by joining six shipping...
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… Great value for money. The two-storey home is more than 500m2 with exceptional interior finishes, plasterboard, ceilings, tiling and painting. The exterior showed great attention to detail. A worthy winner...
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Millbrook… Another fine example of a quality build in a design and construct lump sum project. The home included the pool and landscaping. The level of quality was very well executed...
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Palazzo… An excellent example of a quality project by a young builder of just 31. The level of detail, design concepts and execution of finishes were faultless. The builder also carried...
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RE… Although a cost-plus project, budgets had to be met. A difficult build with stringent boundary restraints and deep excavation requiring 800m3 of soil removal. The structure has incorporated different building...
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Gremmo… Over the past years Gremmo Homes has built many homes of varying designs and costs. This year Gremmo Homes has delivered a quality home with an excellent calibre of outstanding...
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CplusC… An unique architectural design with some industrial tones. The build has taking into account the use of natural light, timber, glass, concrete, water features and steel. An excellent example of...
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Uniq… The street view presents as a simple build, however, difficult terrain required thoughtful design and structure to suit the landscape. The builder has delivered an excellent home with a variance...
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J Group… The site was challenged by a steep slope with restricted access. Materials handling and the method of delivery required both excellent skills in project management and construction. The design took...
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Blue Eco… Perched on the eastern spur of Linden in the lower Blue Mountains sat a project home partially completed in 2003. The new owners, after suffering through several cold winters, decided...
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